Sunday, May 27, 2018

Confucius Ideology and Mao Zedong

After taking power, Mao, consider traditional Chinese value, such as Confucius Ideology, as a threat to his power and need to introduce new ideas into China, to replace the existing values, to secure his power. For example, the people of China work with international community, to overthrow Mao is a threat to Communism, but if the people of China hate people of other race, culture and heritage, they won't unit with the international community. China have over 50 ethnic groups. If people of different ethnic group hate each other, they will be to busy fighting each other, than to unite against the Communist. But Confucius ideology teach people to unite with the masses and not to create little circles to conspire against other.

After taking control of China, the Communist first created the cult of Mao, students must study Mao ideology in school and literally prey to Mao three times a day. After taking control of China, Mao initiate a series of Communist policies, such as the Great Leap forward, which is a complete economic disaster and people throughout China was starving to death, there was even those who eat the dead, because there are nothing to eat or even people murdering others, to eat. Amount the majority of Chinese who are not willing to become a cannibals, there was cases where people eat sand or eat wood, to stop the hunger and later died from it. Seen the obvious failure to Communist economy, there are many people, even amount party members, calling for reforms. To secure his power, in 1966, Mao call for the youth that are taught to believe Mao is a living god and let Mao's will be done, to become the red guards and initiate his cultural revolution. The culture revolution began with the following statement.

Decision concerns the great proletarian Cultural Revolution pass on 8 August 1966 by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. a new stage in the socialist revolution, The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution now unfolding is a great revolution that touches people's soul, a new stage in the development of the socialist revolution in our country, a stage which is both broader and deeper. At the tenth Plenary Session of the Eights Central Committee of the party Comrade Mao Zedong said "to overthrow a political power, it is always necessary first of all to create public opinion, to do work in the ideological sphere. This is true for the revolutionary class as well as for the counter revolutionary class. this thesis of Comrade Mao Zedong has been proved entirely correct in practice. Although the bourgeoisie has been overthrown it is still trying to use the old ideas, culture, customs and habits of the exploiting classes to corrupt the masses, capture their minds and endeavor to stage a comeback. The proletariat must do the exact opposite. It must meet head on every challenge of the bourgeoisie in the ideological field and use the new ideas, culture, customs and habits of the proletariat to change the mental outlook of the whole of society. At present, our objective is to struggle against and overthrow those persons in authority, who are taking the capitalist road, to criticize and repudiate the reactionary bourgeois academic authorities and the ideology of the bourgeoisie and all other exploiting classes.

Throughout China, Mao's Red guards, attack anything and anybody that is a threat to Mao's power, Speeches that contradiction Mao, especially Buddhism ideology, Confucius ideology and pro multicultural ideology was considered as an enemy of the state.

According to James Price Dillard and Michael Pfau there is a type of brainwashing technique call "Response Shaping Process", the idea is to persuade people to a point of view, under a circumstances where they have little or no understanding towards a situation. It is especially effective amount children, because they have no real understanding towards anything. According to Psychologist Philip C. McGraw, the reason Response Shaping Process can be so effective, is because when people have little or no understanding towards a situation, they  can be easily be persuaded to a distorted point of view, because they don't have the necessary fact to contradict what they are been persuaded to believe in. As a result, Mao had over 11 million red guards. As a result, the red guards successfully penetrated every part and every aspect of China's society, everything or person that is blasphemy to Mao, is either suppressed, destroyed or executed. The Red Guards become a dominant agent that police all aspect of China's society, as if they are the religious police of the cult of Mao. The red guards, also destroy things that is of foreign symbol, for example they killed white people, destroyed Christian symbols and raided and destroyed the British embassy. The Red Guards also executed, Communist Party member that contradict Mao. The Cultural Revolution only end in 1976, by that stage, million of people have died.

The influence of Mao's work, can be seen in many part and aspect of modern China. Modern China is full of Chinese people who hate those who are of different race, culture and heritage, because they grew up with the Communist education. For example, A few years ago, a black Chinese girl with a Chinese mother and an African father went on national TV, for a show similar to American Idol and spark a wide debate about race, with angry racists, telling her to get out of China, due to her race and in response anti racist, backing her up. China include at least 50 different ethnic groups, with many different culture, heritage, religion and even racial background. But prior to the Communist rule era, everybody live in peace and harmony with each other and don't create us vs them relationship, base on their race, culture, heritage, religion or ethnic, but unite against threats to the peace and freedom of the people of their nation, both foreign and domestic. After the Cultural Revolution follow by years of Communist rule and brainwashing, today, that have all changed and modern China, frequently have tension problem, due to people creating an us vs them relationship based on racial, culture, religion, heritage and ethnic difference. On YouTube, they even call people from Taiwan, free from Communist rule, as traitor to their own people, for refusing to unite with people of their same ethnic and heritage, against others. If you can read Chinese, then if you read the comments on youtube comment section, you realized, some young Chinese today, believe the traditional value of China, have always been to create us vs them relationship, due to the different ethnicity, because this is the only world, they know of. Some agree with this view, while others, think this is what is wrong with China and China need to change. These people credit the Communist party, for pulling people of all ethnic in China together, through their policy of giving indigenous Chinese ethnic minority benefits, in exchange for them willing to unite with the masses, in a culture, where people hate each other, due to their racial, cultural, heritage, religion and ethnic differences.

In modern 21st century China, Confucius ideology have now become legal, however, it frequently come with great restraint and sometime even portray a distorted version of Confucius ideology. One of the examples is the Confucius Institution created by the Communist China government. The Chinese communist government, created many institution of such, in partnership with universities around the world, saying they want to promote Chinese culture to the rest of the world. However, after a while, it become increasingly clear, the Communist frequently, limit what aspect of Chinese traditional culture can be express through these institution, traditional Chinese value, that is a threat to the Communist, including aspects of Confucian Ideology, are been censored. They also use their authorities within these institutions, to limit the type of people that is allow to teach in it, for example Tibetan monks and people who practice Falun gong, are not allow to teach here. All teachers of these institution must be approve by the Communist party representative here. The study materials of the institution, must be created and approved by the Chinese Communist party. The schools are not allow to conduct academic studies in regards to, how to deal with certain modern political and social issues, using Confucius philosophy. In addition, the syllabus frequently put Communist ideologies, into its teaching. This have resulted in a situation, where more and more university, which partner with the Chinese government, choosing to close down the Confucius Institute, in their school. Many Asian and western experts condemn these school, of not been a real representative of Confucius ideology and Chinese culture, due to the Communist control, some even criticized it for been an instrument, to spread Communist propaganda. The Chinese Communist Party accuse the closing of this school to be due to western racism to China. But many Asian scholars, state, universities, should be institutions that allow people the freedom to pursued all knowledge, thus, the western university's action, is appropriate.

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美國之音中文網 23rd/Jan/2015 焦點對話:孔子學院連遭關閉誰之過? viewed 18/Dec/2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWq6v71dGwE

NorthernControversy 10/Apr/2014 Chairman Mao Documentary – The Cultral Revolution – Destruction of China viewed 18/Dec/2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXMMzL5THPk

…"of INTEREST"!? Viewed 19/Feb/2013 Mao's Bloody Revolution Revealed; Hosted by Philip Short, BBC

– www.ofINTEREST.net viewed 18/Dec/2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v3EjxieKgvWY

Juiweiang2000 31/Jan/2014 文化大革命是這樣開始的 CCP declares the cultural revolution viewed 18/Dec/2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQfX3idm-Ng

Person1204 25/Dec/2009 中籍黑人女孩在中國飽受種族˙岐視 viewed 18/Dec/2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyCRDwZSrfE

Dillar J & Pfau M 2002 The Persuasion Handbook Sage Publication

Philip C. McGraw 2001 Self MattersSimon & Schuster Source New York

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