Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Analect of Confucius: Scroll One

Passage One 


English Translation 

Confucius said: Isn't doing the revision of things you learn according to a scheduled, a joyful thing? Having friends coming to you from far away, isn't that a happy thing? If people don't understand you, yet you don't complain about it, isn't that the spirit of a true gentleman? 

Passage Two 

有子曰:「其為人也孝弟,而好犯上者,鮮矣;不好犯上,而好作亂者,未之有也。君子務本, 本立而道生。孝弟也者,其為仁之本與!」 

English Translation 

Youzih said: Amount those who honor their parents, few of them are the type that likes to betray their superiors. Among those who would not betray their superior, none would be a traitor. What make a man a true gentleman at heart, start from the base of his psychology, with the right psychology base, he would have the right moral value. So, been somebody who would honor his parents and respect their elders, might be the psychological principle, of somebody that would be humane. 

Passage Three 


English Translation 

Confucius said: There are very few men who are a charming sweet talker, who are truly humane. 

Passage Four 


English Translation 

Zenzih said: Every day, I would conduct introspection upon myself for at least three times. When I work for others, am I loyal? Do I keep to my words, to my friends? Things I learn, do I frequently revise them? 

Passage Five 


English Translation 

Confucius said: The principle of governing a country, you must focus on the job of governing, be honest all the time, the budget should be as cheap as possible, care about the people and take any opportunity you have to further develop your nation. 

Passage Six 


English Translation 

Confucius said: Young people should honour their parents, respect their brothers, be an honest person, be kind to the masses and be close to those who are kind. Only after you did all these, are you worthy to become an educated. 

Note: Education is like a tool, in the hand of a good and humane person, a good education can be of benefit. In the hand of a person with who is evil and not humane, education can lead to evil. For example, if a talented lawyer that never lost a case chooses to only defend the known criminals, he is using his skill for evil. But he chooses to only defend those who have been falsely accused he is using his talent for good. 

Passage Seven 

子夏曰:「賢賢易色,事父母能竭其力,事君能致其身,與朋友交言而有信。雖曰未學,吾必謂 之學矣。」 

English Translation 

Zihsia said: If you can learn to prioritize a wise man over a beautiful sexy woman, do what you can to honour your parents, do what you can for your country, make friend with those who keep their words, then, even if you have no high qualification, I will still feel, you are someone that is well educated. 

Passage Eight 


English Translation

 Confucius said: If a gentleman is not sensible, he will not be treated with dignity. If he is always studying, he won't be stubborn. A true gentleman must be loyal and true to his words. A true gentleman won't make friends with people of bad characters. A true gentleman won't be afraid to admit he is wrong and change. 

Passage Nine 


English Translation

Zenzih said: If you are willing to organize funerals with sincerity, remember your ancestors, then the ethic of the society would be one that is simplicity. 

Passage Ten 

子禽問於子貢曰:「夫子至於是邦也,必聞其政,求之與?抑與之與?」子貢曰:「夫子溫、良、 恭、儉、讓以得之。夫子之求之也,其諸異乎人之求之與?」 

English Translation

Zihqin asked Zihgong: Whenever master (Confucius) reaches a nation, he always managed to understand the political situation of that country. Did he ask for that information or did people tell him about it willingly? 

Zihgong responded saying: Master gains that information by been warm, good, respectful, economical and making way. The way master get information is probably different, from how other people get information. 

Passage Eleven 


English Translation 

Confucius said: When one's father is alive, one should observe his ambition. After one's father is dead, one should observe his behaviour. If one can maintain one's father's principle for at least three years that qualify as honouring his father. 

Passage Twelve 

有子曰:「禮之用,和為貴。先王之道斯為美,小大由之。有所不行,知和而和,不以禮節之, 亦不可行也。」 

English Translation 

Youzih said: The principle of manner and politeness should be to maintain peace and harmony. This is why the last King was able to be a good King because he maintains this principle, whether it is dealing with major issues or minor issues. But to sacrifice the principle of manners and politeness, to maintain peace and harmony, is not acceptable. 

Passage Thirteen 


English Translation 

Youzih said: Only when honor is in coalition with justice, can it be upheld. Respect for others, must be in alliance with politeness, only this way, can you stay away from humiliation. Only by knowing to use the dependable people, can you be successful. 

Passage Fourteen 


English Translation 

Confucius says: A true gentleman is not obsessed with luxury food or living quarter. A true gentleman is keen while working, he is careful while he talks, he is eager to learn about principles. 

Passage Fifteen 

子貢曰:「貧而無諂,富而無驕,何如?」子曰:「可也。未若貧而樂 1,富而好禮者也。」子 貢曰:「《詩》云:『如切如磋,如琢如磨。』其斯之謂與?」子曰:「賜也,始可與言詩已矣! 告諸往而知來者。」 

English Translation 

Zihgong asked: How are people who are poor, but won't suck up to others? And how are people who are rich, but are not arrogant? Confucius said: That could do, be a dignified poor man or be a polite rich man. 

Zihgong said: After you complete your training in manners, you would be like a piece of well-done jade, polished after been cut, milled after been polished, right? 

Confucius said: Zihgong, now I can speak poetry with you and you have what it take to understand the future by knowing about the past. 

Passage Sixteen 


English Translation 

Confucius said: Don't be worry about people not understanding you. Worry about yourself, not understanding others.

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