Friday, May 25, 2018

The Analects of Confucius: Scroll Fourteen

Passage Three Hundred and Thirty Seven 


English Translation 

Sang asked: What is an embarrassment?

Confucius said: When the King is just, you can serve him. But if the King is evil and you serve him. That is an embarrassment.

Passage Three Hundred and Thirty Eight 


English Translation 

Asked: If one would control his competitive nature. Not brag about his achievements. Control his hate and greedy nature, is he humane?

Confucius said: If someone can do this, it is really unusual. It is related to been humane, but it is not humane.

Passage Three Hundred and Thirty Nine 


English Translation 

Confucius said: If a paladin wants to stay at home, then he should not be a paladin.

Passage Three Hundred and Forty 


English Translation 

Confucius said: When there is a good King, your action should be just and your speech must be just. When the King is evil, your action should be just, but your speech must be careful.

Passage Three Hundred and Forty One 


English Translation 

Confucius said: Those who are moral must be a good public speaker. Those who are good public speakers are not necessarily moral. Those who are brave and moral will have courage. Those who have courage are not necessarily moral or brave.

Note: It requires a great deal of courage to be a suicide bomber, but Taliban suicide bombers, are anything but truly moral.

Passage Three Hundred and Forty Two 

南宮适問於孔子曰:「羿善射,奡盪舟,俱不得其死然;禹稷躬稼,而有天下。」夫子不答,南 宮适出。子曰:「君子哉若人!尚德哉若人!」

English Translation 

Nangongkuo asked Confucius: Yi is a good archer. Ao is extremely good at naval battles. But these two people don't get along. However, Yu who is just a farmer won the right to rule the world.

After Nangongkuo finished talking, Confucius said nothing.

After Nangongkuo left the room Confucius said: This person is a true gentleman, he do not worship violence.

Passage Three Hundred and Forty Three 


English Translation 

Confucius said: A true gentleman might not act humane sometime. But a savage is never humane.

Passage Three Hundred and Forty Four 


English Translation 

Confucius said: If you love somebody, can you not let her know, the sort of hardship she might face? If you are loyal to somebody, can you not condemn him, if he is doing something wrong?

Passage Three Hundred and Forty Five 


English Translation 

Confucius said: Jheng nation's speech, in international diplomacy assembly, start with a draft written by a first person. It is then discussed by a second person. After that, it had a diplomat, making the sentence sound better and finally, has the fourth person to make it sound grander.

Passage Three Hundred and Forty Six 

或問子產。子曰:「惠人也。」問子西。曰:「彼哉!彼哉!」問管仲。曰:「人也。奪伯氏駢 邑三百,飯疏食,沒齒,無怨言。」

English Translation 

Somebody asked: What sort of person is Zihchan.

Confucius answer: A kind person.

That person then asked about Zihsi.

Confucius said: Him, him...

That person then asked about Guanjhong.

Confucius said: He is a talented man. The head of the Bo family lost a lot of his royal lands, due to his policy. Since then, Bo can only afford a simpler life. Yet, Bo has no complaint about the decision.

Passage Three Hundred and Forty Seven 


English Translation 

Confucius said: It is hard for a person to be poor and have no complaint. It is easier for a person to be rich, but not arrogant.    

Passage Three Hundred and Forty Eight 


English Translation 

Confucius said: Menggongchuo have what it take to be Jhao family and Wei family's chief of staff, but we cannot use him as Prime Minister of Teng nation or Syue, these two smaller nations.

Passage Three Hundred and Forty Nine 

子路問成人。子曰:「若臧武仲之知,公綽之不欲,卞莊子之勇,冉求之藝,文之以禮樂,亦可 以為成人矣。」曰:「今之成人者何必然?見利思義,見危授命,久要不忘平生之言,亦可以為 成人矣。」

English Translation 

Zihlu asked: What is a perfect human?

Confucius said: To have wisdom like Zhanwujhong. To be not greedy, like Menggongchuo. To be brave, like Siajhuangzih. Have many talents, like Ranciou. Then use manners to decorate yourself. Then you are a perfect human.

Confucius then said: In this day and age, who count as a perfect human? When he sees an advantage, he would think of whether taking it, is just. When he sees a person in danger, he would risk his life to protect that person. During a time of hardship, he would not forget his commitments. This would be enough to call him a perfect human.

Passage Three Hundred and Fifty 

子問公叔文子於公明賈曰:「信乎夫子不言、不笑、不取乎?」公明賈對曰:「以告者過也。夫 子時然後言,人不厭其言;樂然後笑,人不厭其笑;義然後取,人不厭其取。」子曰:「其然, 豈其然乎?」

English Translation 

Confucius asked Gongmingjia about Gongshuwunzih, saying: Really? Is senior him, really a person who don't talk, don't laugh and won't be willing to receive things?

Gongmingjia said: That is a rumour, senior he, only speak when he needs to speak. Only laugh when there is something to laugh about. Only receive when he is worthy to receive. Thus, is why, people don't hate him when he receive something.

Confucius said: So that is the truth. Really?

Passage Three Hundred and Fifty One 


English Translation 

Confucius said: Zangwujhong said, he is willing to give up his land and title if the King appoints him, to be the Prime Minister. Although, he said, it is not his intention, to conduct a hostile takeover, of the nation, I believe that is exactly, what he is doing.

Passage Three Hundred and Fifty Two 


English Translation 

Confucius said: Mr. Jingwun is cunning, but not just. Mr. Cihuan, is just, but not cunning.

Passage Three Hundred and Fifty Three 

子路曰:「桓公殺公子糾,召忽死之,管仲不死。」曰:「未仁乎?」子曰:「桓公九合諸侯, 不以兵車,管仲之力也。如其仁!如其仁!」

English Translation 

Zihlu said: Mr. Cihuan killed the Prince, then gather the public and killed himself. Gwanzhon on the other hand, won't die. Thus, is Guanjhong a humane person?

Confucius said: Mr. Cihuan is able to get the nobles, to be subjected to him, without raising arms and the country remains peaceful, that is all thanks to Guanjhong. Thus, Guanjhong is also humane.

Passage Three Hundred and Fifty Four 

子貢曰:「管仲非仁者與?桓公殺公子糾,不能死,又相之。」子曰:「管仲相桓公,霸諸侯, 一匡天下,民到于今受其賜。微管仲,吾其被髮左衽矣。豈若匹夫匹婦之為諒也,自經於溝瀆, 而莫之知也。」

English Translation 

Zihgong said: Guanjhong is not humane, right? Mr. Cihuan killed the Prince. Guanjhong won't cry for the prince, instead he becomes the Prime Minister, in the new dynasty.

Confucius said: As Prime Minister, Guanjhong helped the new King to get all the nobles with powers to be subject to a clean and just government. Now, all the peasants have benefited from his policy. Without Guanjhong, the peasants still need to be harassed by the corrupt previous region. Should we really blame him, for what he did and choose to let the peasants, keep living in the ditch that nobody knows about?

Passage Three Hundred and Fifty Five 


English Translation 

Gongshuwunzih appointed a servant of his home to be a minister in the government, with a position completely equal to him.

After hearing about it, Confucius said: Gongsuwunzih is a truly cultured man.

Passage Three Hundred and Fifty Six 

子言衛靈公之無道也,康子曰:「夫如是,奚而不喪?」孔子曰:「仲叔圉治賓客,祝鮀治宗廟, 王孫賈治軍旅。夫如是,奚其喪?」

English Translation 

 When talking about what sort of King is Mr. Weilinggong, Confucius refer to him as somebody with no principle.

Jikangzih asked: If that is the case, why is his country still prospering?

Confucius said: He knows to use the right people, to be in charge of nation affair, the right person, to be in charge of affairs in relationship to the gods, the right person to be in charge of the military. So what if he is a stupid King? How could his country possibly fail?

Passage Three Hundred and Fifty Seven 


English Translation 

Confucius said: If a person dares to make any form of empty promise, then when it comes to executing those promise, he would have a lot of problems.

Passage Three Hundred and Fifty Eight 

陳成子弒簡公。孔子沐浴而朝,告於哀公曰:「陳恆弒其君,請討之。」公曰:「告夫三子!」 孔子曰:「以吾從大夫之後,不敢不告也。君曰『告夫三子』者。」之三子告,不可。孔子曰: 「以吾從大夫之後,不敢不告也。」

English Translation 

Chenchengzih killed Mr. Cijian. After practicing vegetarian and bath, Confucius went into the government chamber and said to Mr. A: Chenhengih killed his King, please send troops to deal with him.

Mr. A didn't have the authority to make this decision and said: Go and talk to the three of them.

After leaving the government chamber, Confucius said: It is because I am the Prime Minister, that I must inform the King when something so serious has happened. Yet, the King, tell me to go and talk to the three of them.

After informing the three families, they all refuse consent, to deploy troops.

Confucius said: Because I am the Prime Minister, so I must talk about this matter.

Passage Three Hundred and Fifty Nine 


English Translation 

Zihlu asked about, how to work for a King.

Confucius said: Don't lie to your King and advise him, to the best of your ability.

Passage Three Hundred and Sixty 


English Translation 

Confucius said: A true gentleman follow the law of justice. A savage only cares about his own greedy interest.

Passage Three Hundred and Sixty One 


English Translation 

Confucius said: Students of ancient days, study to fulfil himself. People, who study today, study to gain higher social status.

Passage Three Hundred and Sixty Two 

蘧伯玉使人於孔子。孔子與之坐而問焉,曰:「夫子何為?」對曰:「夫子欲寡其過而未能也。」 使者出。子曰:「使乎!使乎!」

English Translation 

Pengboyu sent a diplomat, to visit Confucius on his behalf.

Confucius welcomes the diplomat to sit down and then asked: What have Mr. Peng been up to lately.

The diplomat respond: He hopes to decrease his mistake, but, haven't been able to do it.

After the diplomat left, Confucius said: He is a good diplomat.

Passage Three Hundred and Sixty Three 


English Translation 

Confucius said: If you are not on that position, don't worry about affairs of such position.

Passage Three Hundred and Sixty Four 


English Translation 

Zengzih said: A gentleman never thinks about issues that are out of his position.

Passage Three Hundred and Sixty Five 


English Translation 

Confucius said: When a gentleman cannot keep his word, he felt embarrass by it.

Passage Three Hundred and Sixty Six 


English Translation 

Confucius said: There are three moral of a gentleman that I have not yet achieve. Be humane, but not worried. Be educated, but not get confused. Be brave and have no fear.

Zihgong said: Master is talking about himself.

Passage Three Hundred and Sixty Seven 


English Translation 

Zihgong spread a rumour about a person

Confucius said: Zihgong, are you perfect? I don't have that sort of time.

Passage Three Hundred and Sixty Eight 


English Translation 

Confucius said: Don't worry about people not understanding you, worry about yourself not having the ability required.

Passage Three Hundred and Sixty Nine 


English Translation 

Confucius said: Don't speculate other people cheating on you, beforehand. Don't speculate other people for been not honest, beforehand. If you can know a person is trying to cheat you or not been honest, beforehand, then you would be a Saint.

Passage Three Hundred and Seventy 


English Translation 

Weishengmu said to Confucius: Why do you travel the world, trying to persuade each King? Are you trying to show off your ability in debates?

Confucius said: I am not trying to show off my ability in debates, but, because, I don't want to see the increase corruption, in our world.

Passage Three Hundred and Seventy One 


English Translation 

Confucius said: While examining a horse, don't look at how strong it is. Look at its quality.

Passage Three Hundred and Seventy Two 


 English Translation 

A person said: To use kindness to face hate, what do you think?

Confucius said: Then how do we repay a kindness? We should use justice to face hate and use kindness to repay a kindness.

Passage Three Hundred and Seventy Three 

子曰:「莫我知也夫!」子貢曰:「何為其莫知子也?」子曰:「不怨天,不尤人。下學而上達。 知我者,其天乎!」

English Translation 

Confucius said: Nobody understands me.

Zihgong said: Why nobody understands you?

Confucius said: Not to blame the gods or other people, for your own unfortunate. After been educated, I understand these principles. I guess only heaven understand me.

Passage Three Hundred and Seventy Four 

公伯寮愬子路於季孫。子服景伯以告,曰:「夫子固有惑志於公伯寮,吾力猶能肆諸市朝。」子 曰:「道之將行也與?命也。道之將廢也與?命也。公伯寮其如命何!」

English Translation 

Gongboliao defamed Zihlu in front of Jisunshih.

Zihfujingbo told Confucius about this and said: Jisunhih might have been manipulated, but I still have the ability to kill Gongboliao and hang his head in the market.

Confucius said: To be able to let your dream come true, depends on the time. Not be able to let your dream come true, also depend on the time. If the time is right, what can Gongboliao do about it?

Passage Three Hundred and Seventy Five 


English Translation 

Confucius said: A wise man avoids a corrupt society. A wise man avoids a place of political instability. A wise man avoids the look of contempt. A wise man avoids a bad man's word.

Confucius said: I have seen seven people that have done this.

Passage Three Hundred and Seventy Six 


English Translation 

Zihlu slept in front of the stone gate. The guards in front of the gate said: Where are you from?

Zihlu responds: From Confucius.

The guard respond: A person who lies about, been from a place, he can have no chance, of been from.

Passage Three Hundred and Seventy Seven 

子擊磬於衛。有荷蕢而過孔氏之門者,曰:「有心哉!擊磬乎!」既而曰:「鄙哉!硜硜乎!莫 己知也,斯己而已矣。深則厲,淺則揭。」子曰:「果哉!末之難矣。」

English Translation 

Confucius was playing music in Wei nation. A person walked past the door and said: The person playing the lutes has the heart.

Then this person said: The insistence on a simplicity and lack of sophistication in the music. So, what if nobody understand the music? Don't worry about that. There is a passage in the books that said "If the water is deep, take off your cloth and swim over, if the water is shallow, pull your cloth up and walk over"

Confucius said: That is so straight forward. There is nothing else to say about him.

Passage Three Hundred and Seventy Eight 

子張曰:「《書》云:『高宗諒陰,三年不言。』何謂也?」子曰:「何必高宗,古之人皆然。 君薨,百官總己以聽於冢宰,三年。」

English Translation 

Zihjhang said: In the book it wrote, "Shang Kingdom's King's way of remembering the death of his parents, is that, he don't attend, political affair for three years" what do that mean?

Confucius said: It is not just the King. That is how people in that era do things. During those three years, the Prime Minister is the one that ruled on the King's behalf.

Passage Three Hundred and Seventy Nine 


English Translation 

Confucius said: When the King, act in a good manner, the peasants would be willing to follow him.

Passage Three Hundred and Eighty

子路問君子。子曰:「脩己以敬。」曰:「如斯而已乎?」曰:「脩己以安人。」曰:「如斯而 已乎?」曰:「脩己以安百姓。脩己以安百姓,堯舜其猶病諸!」

English Translation

Zihlu asked Confucius about how to be a gentleman.

Confucius said: Train yourself to be respectful

Zihlu asked: Is that enough?

Confucius said: Train yourself to let your family be happy and peaceful.

Zihlu asked: Would that be enough?

Confucius said: Train yourself to let the peasant be happy and peaceful. But, for you to train yourself, to let all the peasants be happy and peaceful, not even the wisest Kings of the past are not able to do it.

Passage Three Hundred and Eighty One 


English Translation 

 Yuanrangcha sat in a very impolite manner to wait for Confucius, Confucius said: When you were young, you have no manners, now as an adult, you have no achievement. To make matter worse, you always make things worse for people. 

And then slap him on his foot.

Passage Three Hundred and Eighty Two 

闕黨童子將命。或問之曰:「益者與?」子曰:「吾見其居於位也,見其與先生並行也。非求益 者也,欲速成者也。」

English Translation 

A child from Confucius relative was sent to come to Confucius.

Somebody asked: Is this a person who comes here, wanting to learn?

Confucius said: I've seen him walk along side my relative, he is not here, asking to be a student, he has some urgent matter, to see me.

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