Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Analect of Confucius: Scroll Five

Passage Ninety Three 


English Translation Confucius talk about Gongjhihchang: You can marry your daughter to him. He might have been in prison, but he is innocent. So, Confucius married his daughter to him. 

Passage Ninety Four 


English Translation Confucius talk about Nanrong: When a nation's government is just, he could be a Lord. When a nation's government is not just, he won't be punished. So, Confucius married his niece to him. 

Passage Ninety Five 


English Translation Confucius said: This man is a gentleman! If Lu nation have no gentlemen, then how could he be an ethical man? 

Passage Ninety Six 


English Translation Zihgeng asked Confucius: What sort of person am I? Confucius said: You are like a utensil. Zegong asked: What sort of utensil Confucius said: Hu Lian 

Passage Ninety Seven 


English Translation A person said: Shengong has ethic, but is not good at public speaking. Confucius said: So what he is not good at public speaking? A person, who is good at debate, can be really annoying. It doesn't necessarily mean he is humane. If a man is not humane, then what good is it, if he is good at public speaking? Note: If a talented lawyer, who is able to persuade any jury to believe his client is innocent. If this lawyer only chooses to use his skills to prevent criminals from going to prison, he is using his skills for evil. But if this lawyer chooses to use his skills to defend those who have been wrongfully accused of conducting a crime, he didn’t commit. He is using his talent for good. 

Passage Ninety Eight 


English Translation Confucius told Cidiao to leave and become a Lord Cidiao said: I don't have faith in my ability. Confucius is very happy after he heard it. 

Passage Ninety Nine 

子曰:「道不行,乘桴浮于海。從我者其由與?」子路聞之喜。子曰:「由也好勇過我,無所取 材。」 

English Translation Confucius said: My thinking cannot come true. I am prepared to travel the sea. I guess Zihlu is the only one that would travel the sea with me. Zihlu was very happy after he heard it Confucius said: Zihlu is much braver than me, but he doesn’t have the required skill for a water voyage. 

Passage One Hundred 

孟武伯問:「子路仁乎?」子曰:「不知也。」又問。子曰:「由也,千乘之國,可使治其賦也, 不知其仁也。」「求也何如?」子曰:「求也,千室之邑,百乘之家,可使為之宰也,不知其仁 也。」「赤也何如?」子曰:「赤也,束帶立於朝,可使與賓客言也,不知其仁也。」 

English Translation Mengwubo asked: Zihlu's humanity, have it reached the highest standard? Confucius said: I don't know. Mengwubo asked: If we use Zihlu to be the army’s General, would he have the humanity require? What about Kaiciou? Confucius said; Kaiciou can be a mayor. But I don't know whether he would be humane. Mengwubo asked: What about Gongsichih? Confucius said: Gongsichih can be the minister of foreign affair. But I don't know whether he would be humane. 

Passage One Hundred and One 

子謂子貢曰:「女與回也孰愈?」對曰:「賜也何敢望回。回也聞一以知十,賜也聞一以知二。」 子曰:「弗如也!吾與女弗如也。」 

English Translation Confucius said to Zihgong: You versus Yanhuei, who is stronger? Zihgong said: How could I compare with Yanhuei? Yanhuei can understand ten things on his own, after learning one. I can only understand two things, after learning one. Confucius said: That is true, neither one of us is as strong as he is. 

Passage One Hundred and Two 

宰予晝寢。子曰:「朽木不可雕也,糞土之牆不可杇也,於予與何誅。」子曰:「始吾於人也, 聽其言而信其行;今吾於人也,聽其言而觀其行。於予與改是。」 

English Translation Zaiyo slept during the day. Confucius said: A rotten piece of wood cannot be made into a statue. Elephant dump, cannot be used to create a wall. What can I use him for? Confucius said: In the past when I look at a person, I believe whatever people tell me. Now, when I look at a person, I would first, listen to what he says, and then I will observe his action. This is what I learn after knowing Zaiyo. 

Passage One Hundred and Three 


English Translation Confucius said: I have never seen a person with a psychology, as strong as iron. A person said: Shenchang is like that Confucius said: Shenchang is a very greedy man, how does he have a personality like iron? 

Passage One Hundred and Four 


English Translation Zihgong said: Things I don't like to force myself to do, I won't force other people to do it, either. Confucius said: Zihgong, this is not something you are able to do. 

Passage One Hundred and Five 


English Translation Zihgong said: Master's articles, you can hear about it. Master's personality, philosophy of ethic and understanding of the law of nature, it is not something you could understand, just by listening to it. 

Passage One Hundred and Six 


English Translation When Zihlu heard of something he needs to complete, if he have not completed it, he is afraid to hear of another thing that need him to complete. 

Passage One Hundred and Seven 


English Translation Zihgong asked about Kongwunzih: Why people use the word "wun" to refer to him? Confucius said: He is smart and love to learn. He dares to ask questions, to people who are not as intelligent as he is, when needed to and not finding it embarrassing, so people use the word "wun", to refer to him 

Note: The word『文』which pronounce "wun", mean scholar. 

Passage One Hundred and Eight 


English Translation Confucius talk about Zihchan: He has the four type of quality of a true gentleman: one who is respectful, one who respects his superiors, one who care about the suffering and one who act according to justice. 

Passage One Hundred and Nine 


English Translation Confucius said: Yanpingjohng is good at socializing with people, the longer you socialize with him the more people would respect him. 

Passage One Hundred and Ten 


English Translation Confucius said: Zangwunjhong build a temple to worship himself, the roof is arch shaped, the pillar has the drawing of water and grass, and there is a huge turtle inside, look just like the temple of the King. How is this move wise? 

Passage One Hundred and Eleven 

子張問曰:「令尹子文三仕為令尹,無喜色;三已之,無慍色。舊令尹之政,必以告新令尹。何 如?」子曰:「忠矣。」曰:「仁矣乎?」曰:「未知,焉得仁?」「崔子弒齊君,陳文子有馬 十乘,棄而違之。至於他邦,則曰:『猶吾大夫崔子也。』違之。之一邦,則又曰:『猶吾大夫 崔子也。』違之。何如?」子曰:「清矣。」曰:「仁矣乎?」曰:「未知。焉得仁?」 

English Translation Zihjhang asked: Zihwun was been appointed as Prime Minister for three times, he didn't felt happy. He was been sacked as Prime Minister for three times, he didn't feel sad. After been sacked, he became dedicated, in performing the transition process, to the next Prime Minister. Confucius said: That mean he is loyal. Zihjhang asked: Is that humane? Confucius said: I don't know is that humane. Zihjhang then asked: Cueizih killed the Prince of Ci nation. Chenwenzih, abandon his family asset and left. After arriving at another nation, he said, "The Prime Minister here is just like Cueizih" and left. He then reached another country and said "they are just like Cueizih" and left again. How is that? Confucius said: It means he is innocent. Zihjhang said: Is it humane? Confucius said: I don't know is it humane. 

Passage One Hundred and Twelve 


English Translation Jiwunzih always must think three times before he makes a move. After hearing about it, Confucius said: Think about it twice would be sufficient. 

Passage One Hundred and Thirteen 


English Translation Confucius said: Ningwuzih is a type person that is smart when the country is just. But when the country is not just, he becomes stupid. This type of intelligence can be learned. But this type of stupidity can't be learned. 

Passage One Hundred and Fourteen 


English Translation At Chen nation Confucius said: Go back! Go back! The students at home have a lot of ambition, but illeducated, but their literature standard is very high, not sure how to teach them now. 

Passage One Hundred and Fifteen 


English Translation Confucius said: Boyi and Shci are people who do not remember past hate, so there are very few people who hate them. 

 Passage One Hundred and Sixteen 


English Translation Confucius said: Who said Weisheng is straight forward? People asked him for vinegar, he doesn't have it, so, he borrow it from his neighbour, to give to his friends. 

Passage One Hundred and Seventeen 


English Translation Confucius said: A person who is a sweet talker, fake smiles, keep nodding, Zuociou thinks it is an embarrassment, I think is an embarrassment too. Pretend to be the friend of someone you hate, Zuociou think is an embarrassment, I think it is an embarrassment, too. 

Passage One Hundred and Eighteen 

顏淵、季路侍。子曰:「盍各言爾志?」子路曰:「願車馬、衣輕裘,與朋友共。敝之而無憾。」 顏淵曰:「願無伐善,無施勞。」子路曰:「願聞子之志。」子曰:「老者安之,朋友信之,少 者懷之。」 

English Translation When Yanyuan and Jilu come to serve Confucius, Confucius said: Why not talk about your wishes? Zihlu said: I hope to share my horse, carriage and cloth with my friends. I won't regrade it, even if they broke it. Yanyuan said: Not to show off my advantage and my achievements. Zihlu said: What are your wishes? Confucius said: I hope old people can be safe and happy, young people have others who care about them, my friends would trust me. Note: Zihlu and Jilu is the same person. During that time in China, some people have more than one name. 

Passage One Hundred and Nineteen 


English Translation Confucius said: This society is doom. Nobody here would recognize their flaws, admit it and correct it. 

Passage One Hundred and Twenty 


English Translation Confucius said: In every ten family, there must be at least one person whom are loyal and keep his words, only they are not educated like us

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